"Gradualism Jurisprudence" in Islam (Fiqhut Tadarruj) and Translating the Quran for Non-Muslims"

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


كلية البنات الأزهرية بجامعة الأزهر


The present paper tackles the problem of the incomprehensibility of Quran translations for non-Arabic-speaking non-Muslims. The researcher addresses the problem of the need for differentiating between translating the Quran for Muslims and for non-Muslims. There should be special translations of the Quran to introduce its content to non-Arabic-speaking non-Muslims in a way that suits their minds. The study suggests drawing on the method of Prophet Muhamed in calling non-Muslims to Islam; namely "gradualism" to solve the problem. Introducing Islam to non-Muslims, Prophet Muhamed used to start with the fundamental teachings of belief and then arrange the detailed applications according to their priorities. Some years after the death of Prophet Muhamed, Muslim scholars deduced all the relevant jurisprudential rulings of the prophetic principle of "gradualism" and gave them the name of "fiqhut tadarruj" or "jurisprudence of gradualism". This research explains the evidences, principles, and sub-branches of "jurisprudence of gradualism" and suggests how they can be applied to produce simplified versions of Quran translations suitable for non-Muslim target readers.

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